New York loves the Hungarian lángos
Posted by Mia Balogh · Dec 28, 2015

A Hungarian success-story in gastronomy again: the Langos Truck and the so-called lángos has become one of the ‘must try’ street foods in New York.

Do you know what lángos is? If you have already tasted it, we are sure that you don’t forget the fresh and warm Hungarian fast food. To be short, it is a dough made of water or milk, yeast and flour, with a dash of sugar and salt, and it is fried in oil. When it is ready, you can add sour cream, yoghurt, cheese and garlic, as well.


Easy to make, delicious and makes you feel full for hours – that’s why we love this not-so-dietary treat. And not we, Hungarians are the only lángos-lovers: it is getting more and more popular in New York, as well, thanks to the Langos Truck. In this truck, they make and sell lángos on the streets of New York, with toppings like mushroom, quark cheese, eggplant, cabbage, omelet, and a confectioner's sugar or jam.

Check out their Facebook or Twitter account to know where they are and where they are heading in New York.


Did you know?

Lángos was baked in the front of the brick oven close to the flames. The name; "láng" means "flame" in the Hungarian language. Lángos was made from bread dough and was served as breakfast on the days when new bread was baked. Now that people no longer have brick ovens and do not bake bread at home, lángos is virtually always fried in oil. You can fry it at home, or you can buy it from a street vendor. If you are in Hungary, or in New York, don’t miss it.

  • hungarian
  • lángos
  • new york
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